Thursday 9 July 2015

Thai Dating is quite open, yet respectful!

In Thai culture dating is done openly and respectfully. It is very important to understand Thai culture and Thai dating before meeting a Thai girl. If a man is serious about his relationship he is expected to meet girl’s family and announce his intentions. He is supposed to come to her house and pay respect to her elders as well as spend some time with her family.

In Thai culture if the girl likes you she would definitely want you to meet her parents. This is not something taken lightly. Thai women are encouraged to introduce a man whom she is dating and expects to marry. She respects her parents and their wishes including whom to date. Thailand relationships pass in several stages, usually lasting for a long period of time.

Thai Women are very particular about appearances. She appreciates cleanliness, well groomed men. So sport fragrant scents like cologne or mild aftershave while going on a date. They prefer traditional courtship avoid being bold and arrogant or aggressive. She will misunderstand you as having lack of courtesy. They want man who are self discipline and have lot of self control. Be cordial; appear genuine, sincere, courteous and respectful to her.

While dating a Thai girl be on time and bring a reasonable gift for her and most important thing. Be a gentleman. Be polite with the people around you and make her feel special. Try to go out in a public place .It is quite possible that she will be accompanied my friends if it is a first date. You also have to be discreet and friendly or she will thought you as arrogant and non cultured.

A Thai girl will never show her feelings of love to you. During dating she will never express what she is really feeling and thinking. She expects the partner to read her feelings. If you put efforts in your relationship with a Thai girl you have every chance of having a great relationship with her. Thai women are just like other women .They only needs someone to love and cherish and want to be treated with respect. Learning Thai dating can help hours of frustration and misunderstandings.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Thai Online Dating is the Best Way of Dating!

Thailand is famous for its women, their slender figure, long shiny hairs, black eyes and soft skin and pretty face. People who are busy and are want to meet someone interesting. Thai online dating gets straight to the point by collecting like-minded people who are interested in finding dates. These dating sites bring together thousands of single minded people who are interested in meeting new people.
Thai online dating sites is the name of the game in today’s generation. Thai’s are open to online dating and the fact is that online dating has picked up. It all depends on how you use this medium to meet Thai girls and make them your soul mate.

More and more websites have mushroomed up .While some have thanked their lucky stars and some sees this as a curse. Many girls are on these sites to make friends and learn English. You can also learn Thai language in return. You can meet a good looking Thai girl of your choice. You can move around with her and she will also take care of you. If you use the websites correctly you can enjoy online dating advantages.

These online dating sites are like any other dating sites the only difference is the Thai culture and you have to understand a Thai girl and their customs, language and etiquettes to date these Thai girls. These sites help you to date hot Thai girls and save money in doing so. You don’t get scammed if you date through these online dating sites.

There are lots of online profiles but their authenticity cannot be verified. Chances are that you can be fooled also on these dating sites. You need certain tricks while searching for an online date. You should be changing your profile picture to improve your views.

If you keep changing your profile picture people who might have not clicked your profile before may click your image now. The best thing about Thai online dating is that you can send and receive messages and upload pictures. These sites provide you to meet Thai girls online who are waiting to get in touch with you.

The Best Option for Marriage Are The Thai Ladies for Marriage!

For a Thai girl family goes first .So this is one of the greatest merit of getting Thai brides. They are always willing to sacrifice for their husband and their family as they are grown up in a traditional Buddhist country. Thai ladies for marriage make extremely good wives and they remain devoted to their husband. Marriage is treated very sacred and noble thing in Thailand.

Thai girls are extremely sweet with slender sexy bodies. They have dark eyes and smooth skin and always have a smile on their face. They are slim with slender bodies. Thailand tourism has developed rapidly and brings in various foreign culture and custom, which influences Thai girls for marriage. A marriage in Thailand is legal and is recognized throughout the world. It can be performed at a local district office called Amphur or Khet. In Thailand there is a tradition of Sin sod which means that a dowry is paid by the groom and his family to the family of the bride.

Marrying a Thai girl is not at all risky financially. If you divorce a Thai wife she is not entitled to any wealth you have except the assets that you have made during marriage. If you want to buy a property in Thailand you can buy it in the name of your wife. You are also entitled to a visa that allows you to live in Thailand.

Traditional decent Thai girls live with their parents .Thai girls are expected to spend most of her time working or studying and doing house chores. Parents are strict towards their family and socializing is allowed during the daytime and she is supposed to be at home during nights.

Thai girls are beautiful. Thai ladies for marriage look for a long term marriage. They are willing to relocate to the new country to live with their husbands. To marry a Thai girl you must be serious. Thai girls are always honest and loyal in their relationship. She respects her husband and let him lead the family. She also supports her husband and helps him no matter what happens. You can get the loving, caring attention of your female wife throughout your life.

Real Thai women will love you forever!

It is the Buddhist culture that allows Real Thai Women to focus more on “Being Happy” than having all the material things. They pour love on their children and respect their elders. They have good manners and are followers of their husbands. Thai families maintains between effort and responsibility, needs and abilities. All the family members are willing to be together for common good.

Thai women have smooth and soft skin and they don’t get fat and keep their bodies beautiful. The girls are attractive and elegant. She is conscientious of presentation, so ensure others to be clean, well groomed. They dress appropriately, speak politely and don’t like trash. They are educated, smart, have a decent job and are hard working. They go to work and are promoted to leaders in their organizations depending upon their hard work.

Thai women will not have sex with you until they marry you. Many Thai women are still brought up the traditional way and it is drummed into them that they should not have sex before marriage At least 60% to 70% Thai women are virgins when they get married. Meeting a good Thai girl requires you to use acquaintances to find her and language skills. Thai customs are very formal and meeting the parents is very important. Good Thai girls are shy and reserved and you will have to approach them.

Thai girls love getting gifts. They maintain their sweet manners, love to please their families and try to live up to their expected role as a good mother. Real Thai women marry for love and are entirely faithful and committed to their husband or longtime boyfriend. Thai women rarely get angry and even if she gets that doesn’t happen much at all and she will forgive for anything.

They are much more open and optimistic about simply everything and never think about bad thing that happened or a problem they have, they just go and try to make the best out of every situation without worrying too much. They are always smiling and are always happy and enjoy their life. Real Thai women are like any other women from all over the world. They want love and expect to get love in return.

Friday 5 June 2015

Thai Dates On-line at Thai Love By Lisa

Thailand has been the favored destination for tourists for many years. Known for its exquisite beauty, serene waters, rustic islands and the friendly people, it is one place you will surely fall in love with and would want to keep visiting over and over again.

Just as the place is beautiful, so are also the men and women of the country. There would seldom be a bachelor who would have visited the country and not looked for Thai dates. The women of the country are not just beautiful but also extremely intelligent and devoted to their life partners.

One such online dating site is on which you could register for free and then browse through various profiles of young boys and girls also registered on the website in search of their soul mates. The website is open for all nationalities as the women of Thailand also prefer Westerners as their partner just as much as the Westerners prefer them.

You can share your information online about the perfect match that you are looking for and find a like minded partner for yourself. The website also allows for provisions like chatting on-line so that you get to know each other first before you decide to meet up.

A perfect website for Thai Dates there have been many whose relationships have culminated into marriage, thanks to this platform made available to find other single dream partners. If you also mention the specifications that you are looking for, the website will also throw up some results based on your preferences to help you make the correct choice and thereby an informed decision.

Among many other such sites, this website stands apart by providing you with accurate and reliable results and therefore this is the website that you can trust if you are in quest of your dream Thai partner.

Thursday 30 April 2015

How to Choose the Best Thai Online Dating Website

Life is full of surprises, some are pleasant but some are not. Those who understand this cycle well can easily manage to pass through the ups and downs of life. None can live without a life partner on this Earth.

But everyone has to search her on his own. The thumb rule is to keep trying as only those learn to swim who enter water. With the telecoms revolution, INTERNET has reached even remote areas.

There are hundreds of websites offering Thai online dating. Here are some basic tips to select a website to brighten your chances of finding a partner on-line.
  1. Chose a Free Site: Many sites are run by hackers. They lure their customers and start asking for membership fees. A genuine website will never ask you any fees. Again being free for everyone, other people especially girls would also prefer them instead of paid sites.
  2. Check On-line Reviews: Before become a member and revealing your identity on a Thai on-line dating website, it is recommended that you should check its reviews. If they are indicating any abuse or foul play, withdraw yourself immediately.
  3. Avoid Sharing Your Mobile Numbers: Most genuine website do not ask for mobile numbers and prefer to communicate through Email. Once you give your mobile number, they may use it for sending ads and useless offers.
  4. Send Photo Through Email: Again a snap can be misused by the hackers. So to be on safer sides send them to the requester through Email. If the site does not accept post without your snap, send a scanned photo. This can not be morphed easily.
  5. Don’t Share Personal Information On-line: Your personal information like bank details, credit and debit card numbers and their passwords can be misused. So never share them with anyone on-line.
  6. Avoid Meeting strangers in Lonely Places: Be bold and avoid meeting unknown people at lonely places. They may harm you taking advantage of your ignorance. Even if you know them beforehand, it’s always better to go to a safe and known place for both of you.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

How to Find a Real Thai Girlfriend

Love is the strongest bond between man and woman. Nature has designed us in such a way that for everyone there is someone. It is just a matter of time and we are destined to get a life partner. If you are hunting for a real Thai girlfriend, here are some tips for you.

  1. Be Positive: You are not the only one alone on this Earth. There are millions like you in search of their soul mate. You are one of your kind and there is someone waiting for you.
  2. Start Taking Initiative: Many a times, you meet someone who is of your type but lose her soon as you do not step forward. Come out of your hesitations and make as many friends as you can. You never know, who can become yours forever.
  3. Be a Bit Selfish As Well: Its good to help others but in case of love, its always better to be selfish. For example, you and your friend have a common friend and you want to propose her but fear that your friend might like her as well. Do not wait for him to ask you to go ahead, be the first person.
  4. Life is Short, Enjoy it: Come out of your fears. You are not going to stay forever on this Earth. Do what you like the most. After all you get one life and time passes by quickly. Propose your real Thai girlfriend before someone else tries that.
  5. Try to be One Step Ahead of Others: We all live in a world of cutthroat competition. Work hard and act smart. Stop following others and start taking lead. Once you will learn how to be a leader, there will be no looking back.
  6. Never Lose Heart: There are good times as well as bad times in life. Keep learning from your mistakes and never lose heart. Remember there is always a fresh morning after every night. Rejections are part of every success story.